Equine and Human Sports Massage Therapist

Meet Lisa
Equine Sports and Rehabilitation Massage Therapist & Human Sports Massage Therapist Level 4
Hi and welcome from Lisa Sharp Massage Therapist. I've always had a keen interest in the biomechanics of both horse and rider. As an accredited BHS Coach I have spent many years observing and helping horses and their riders, work together to achieve their goals.
In 2018 I qualified as an Equine Sports Massage and Rehabilitation Therapist, but my desire to help the horse and rider partnership didn't stop there. So in 2020 I also qualified at Level 3 in Sports Massage (for people) and Level 4 in 2021. My goal was to create a link between horse and rider, in terms of soft tissue therapy within a routine preventative health care plan.
Rider Sports Massage
Riders in particular may suffer due to the manual type of work involved in caring for horses, in all weathers! Horse Owners that spend money on regular treatment for their horses, often neglect themselves.
Sports Massage can help to:
- Improve your balance when riding, helping you to become more secure and more effective
- Develop a deeper seat and sit straighter in the saddle
- Relax joints and improve flexibility
- Develop an awareness of left/ right sided dominance

Yard Visits
Equine Massage Visits
Sports Massage is beneficial to horses, as it can:
- Help improve circulation and lymphatic drainage.
- Help improve the range of motion through joints.
- Help improve suppleness through muscle movement.
Equine Weighing Services
Horses bodyweight can fluctuate throughout the year. This can be due to changes in diet, changes in turn out or dietary effects related to illness or medication. A Weigh Bridge is the only way to accurately measure your Horse’s bodyweight, with the portable equipment Lisa can visit your yard (no electric needed) and provide you with an accurate reading. It can be a real eye opener for owners when they guess the weight and then the actual weight is revealed.
Friends and Family
The Treatment Space for Rider’s, their Friends and Family is designed to promote relaxation in a professional, clean and comfortable environment.
Lisa is qualified in Sports Massage Level 4, which includes deep tissue massage and manipulation of soft tissues using a variety of techniques.

Video Demonstrations
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